Kyw Billz Butler
kyw billz butler

Originally born in Plainfield, Nj and moved to Virginia when he was 3. His father was a Dj; kyw Billz Butler remembers watching him in the basement and it was there where he found a passion for music. Butler didn’t want to go play with the kids like everyone else. thought on music all the time. Butler remembers when he received a karaoke machine and wouldn’t put that mic down . In school, Billz faced a lot of trouble, so his parents sent him to an alternative school for fighting. There, Butler was introduced to a young man from the high school across the street from the alternative school who would come and teach him how to play the snare drums. He was also enrolled in an African drum group.
kyw Billz Butler's first efforts were completed on Windows 95, with a guitarband microphone in a closet. He made his first track called “In The Light“ it was melodic. It was catchy. It was true. From there, his story would then divulge... His nights were spent learning any and everything about mixing, engineering and studying great artists. Butler was inspired by and enjoys the sounds of Sam Cooke, The Beatles, Tupac, Nas, Coldplay, Avant and Maxwell.
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